Membership Form
You can also join at any of our In Person meetings.
You can pay by bank transfer (BACS), cash, or cheque. We strongly prefer the first option:
By bank transfer (BACS). Please use your bank’s bill payment facility when using internet banking, and do the following:
Put your surname as the reference for bill payment (this way we can connect it to your application)
The annual fee is £25, with a concessionary rate of £7. The membership year runs from October to September. If you join at any point within 6 months of the end of the organisation’s year you will pay a half-year rate of £12.50 or £3.50.
Pay the correct subscription to our bank account, which is:
Bristol Humanists
Account number – 77114973
Sort Code – 51-70-08
by cheque payable to Bristol Humanists or cash at one of our monthly meetings.