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Bristol Humanists membership


We have a membership scheme which runs separately from that of Humanists UK. This provides the following benefits:


  • If you are a member you will not have to pay to attend Bristol Humanists regular monthly meetings (£3 charge to non-members).

  • You will be entitled to attend the AGM and elect the committee of Bristol Humanists and approve membership arrangements.

  • You will be able to influence the activities of the group, for example with regard to regular meetings, campaigning etc

  • We also hope to offer early booking offers to such events as the annual Darwin Day lecture.


The annual fee is £25, with a concessionary rate of £7. The membership year runs from October to September. If you join at any point within 6 months of the end of the organisation’s year you will pay a half-year rate of £12.50 or £3.50.


Please complete the membership form found HERE

Alternatively you can download our word membership document here and email it to us.

Then, please pay the membership fee as detailed below.


We offer 2 membership rates, standard and low income (self-declared, but for example full-time student, in receipt of JSA, universal credit or pension credit).


Please make your payment by bank transfer or in cash at one of our regular meetings.


If using bank transfer, please use the bill payment facility. In the reference field, please put your full name followed by "member".


Our account details are as follows: 

Bristol Humanists

Account number – 77114973

Sort Code – 51-70-08



Any questions regarding membership should be directed to Nick Hooper at


Data Protection Statement


Bristol Humanists takes your privacy very seriously and will never collect, record or process your personal information unnecessarily – we will always manage your data lawfully.


Bristol Humanists gather and process your personal information only as it is described in this notice. We will always do this in way that complies with the relevant data protection regulations and laws.


This notice provides you with the information you need about your rights and our responsibilities. It explains how, why and when we process your personal data.


We only retain your data for as long as is necessary and for the purpose(s) described in this notice. We will not disclose or share your personal information without your consent – unless required to do so by law or to prevent harm or criminal activity. We only use this for membership records and to communicate with you about Bristol Humanists and related matters.


When you have consented to us using your personal information you are free to withdraw this consent at any time.


Bristol Humanists


Unitarian Meeting Hall,  Brunswick Square, St Paul's, Bristol BS2 8PE

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©2023 by Bristol Humanists.

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